i have so much to blog about. n i don't know where to start. schools are very much stressful de whole way true! but its nice to have frens around you. well, friends who don't talk bad bout you. =)) presentation on intro to psyc was push forward to this week. and we manage to get thru it. de lecturer(which is kinda irritatin!) is good enough to say that our presentation was one of de bez presentation and we had put a standard for de klas. *che de bah* so, de whining and staying up late to do de presentation really paid off. =)) thank you NR0811 grp1! much loves!
friday after school met dearest ling.was suppose to celebrate zyma's bdae but i suppose mood taken everything over. well. nvrm. she have a reason. *calms down* neverheless, met ling n angela(lings fren). went for karaoka session @ cash studio! ouhh.. i love de place! actually ling, i love de person not de place.. *crapx* well, disco ball was'nt workin so i din't manage to see that. karaoke session was damn freaking fun! we just entertained ourselves eventhough there are like 1001probs in our mind. was more of shoting and letting go of everything session! *yikes* left orchard @ 10.15. went home n zZz..
well girl, hope we had help you cheered up! don't think so much ok. noe its hard. but just hang in dere okie. i still have mah! *winkx* n i'll always love ya!! nya, my eyes are getting dirtier! so lets get out n wash our eyes again okie!! =)) nysa syg lu la ling.=))
2day went for bedok POLY chalet. of course with momy n nanan la. eventhough most of de time i was alone. it was fun. dey had games n de games were so awesome. just imagine aunties playing tele match. adults deprive of their chilhood i suppose. =)) nya, dey did me well! dey really makeD me up!pics up soon. =P n even old ladies talk crap. so dey were bull-shiting and talking like how we teenagers talk. so it was fun. deyre not DAT old. i realiseD! hakx. sheesh. its a waste dat i cant go bedok POLY for attatchment! dey are really a bunch of great ppl!! so those goin to bedok POLY, i swear you'll have a ball of a time. just crap with them! hakx.

nya! i decided to change the baby g watch i wanted to this. BG 1224B-1. much cheaper i must say! n i can bring it to clinical cause it shows de seconds moving. n its black!! whee..
Im leaving you
di mana janjimu yang dulu? (whers all your past promises)
yang penuh dengan kestiaan dan kejujuran (which was full of faithfullness and trust)
kata-kata manis menjafi hina (sweet words turn sour)
hatiku hilang, terdaim tak ter kata. (my heart sank, my words turn silent)
sayangnya percintaan kita (pity our love)
yang setahun kita bina (which in a year we had built)
cinta yang indah (a love which was beautiful)
pupus bergitu sahaja. (gone just like that)
kini ku pergi (now i go)
tingalkan mu sendiri (leaving you alone)
beratnya hatiku (with a heavy heart)
tapi ku tahu ini sajala caranya (i know this is de only way)
jaganlah bersedih sayang (don't be sad dear)
kerna in untuk kebaikanmu (cause this is for your own good)
tidaklah kau memikir-mikir (dont you need to think)
kata-kata kesat untuk dilampar padaku (about rude words to throw at me)
kini ku pergi (now i go)
tak akan kembali (n im not coming back)
walaupun ku cintamu tak terkata (eventhough i love you with all my heart)
harus ku pergi jua (i have to go)
just words for you, my dear.~
n if you're a malay, please ignore de english words. those are for my chinese friends. well, someone says my blog got alot of malay words and most of the time she wont understand. so i hope you're happy now.=)) n to you all, if de words dosent rhyme n stuff like that. hope you understand. doin you'll a favour by squeezing my tiny brain you know! haha!
i did'nt know translating malay to eng was that difficult